Am 29.08.2011 21:36, schrieb Tim Alder:
P.S. In the run.log file, at the end of each import, there are messages of the form
26799 import done [2011-08-29 02:11:54] 26799 expiring tiles [2011-08-29 02:11:54] 26799 [error] tile_expiry error [2011-08-29 02:11:55] 26799 resetting state
Does the "resetting state" have anything to do with that the replag is not going down?
Would be important to know. It seems to work at beginning.
The load-next script had the expire.rb script enabled which is the wrong method of expiring. The correct one follows some lines after the expire.rb statement. I commented out the bad commands.
I also lowered the maxInterval setting from 24h to 6h, so we can check sooner if this fixed the problem.