ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: " " Full sql was: 'SELECT AsBinary("way",'NDR') AS geom,"importance_real","name","natural" from (SELECT *, (to_number(importance, '9.9')) as importance_real FROM planet_osm_point WHERE "natural" IN ('peak')) AS peak WHERE "way" && SetSRID('BOX3D(1210762.528037192 5750510.511950379,1254790.256329453 5794538.240242641)'::box3d, 900913)'
This comes from the hike'n'bike style - it uses the field importance as if it was a numeric field. I guess it assumes some preprocessing to be done like here:
It would be best if cmarqu could fix this fast, and if not, we should temporarily remove the hike'n'bike map from renderd.conf