From the point of view of a tool developer wikidata looks like a
trainwreck right now. Or should I say a black hole where data can go in and will remain virtually inaccessible from the toolserver. Kind of sad. But I still cannot understand the decision to put data as JSON int the text store (which is not accessible from the toolserver, or labs for that matter).
Do you already have goals in your mind. What do you want to achieve by putting maps metadata into wikidata?
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:23 AM, Susanna Ånäs wrote:
Tapping into the discussion about Commons + Wikidata, I propose we set up a Wikidata maps metadata task force following the model of the Artwotk task force.
What's your opinion? Shall we cross post?
-- Susanna Ånäs Käyttäjä:Susannaanas Wikimedia Suomi – GLAM – tiedotus – yhteistyö / @WMFinland / Facebook / Liity jäseneksi!
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