Am 13.05.2010 01:07, schrieb Colin Marquardt:
Thanks very much for working on this.
Thanks to river fo making this possible.
I used the one in your home directory, didn't see a styles directory (neither as cmarqu nor as osm).
ähh, yes. I moved it and didn't remember that I posted an absolute path. so its new location is now /home/mazder/styles/surveillance/surveillance.xml
What's a bit special is that I'm using cascadenik for my styles, and in general, that works ok.
I don't really know cascadenik but isn't it generating mapnik xml output? What does it generate in your problematic case?
ERROR: column "building" does not exist
The table "planet_point" does contain the building-column, but no lit-column. It would be very interesting to see what SQL cascadenic uses for mapniks table-parameter
as you now have to know *where* to get "building" from. I might as well switch to raw Mapnik in that case.
You can get all tags from the hstore and just don't use the classic columns if you don't want to.