2009/7/21, ?var Arnfj?r? Bjarmason avarab@gmail.com:
Speaking of which why don't we have any users yet? Is everything stalled on getting the DB machine up or are there some tools that can just use Cassini as-is? How is Unix-account approval being managed (who's taking care of that?).
For more users on the machine perhaps we should write a new message on the different mailing lists that it now starts. The last message from us was at the beginning of april. I can post to the german OSM list and can contact some people directly which are geo interested. Some of them have a already a toolserver account.
Perhaps somebody else can post to the english list.
On jira is no OSM-Toolserver account request pending [1],[2]. That's the start point, than I can support the admins to decide about such a request.
Also if we have no database-server in the moment it could be only good for the setup of cassini if we know what people wants to do.
Greetings Kolossos
[1] https://jira.toolserver.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=h... [2]https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Account_approval_process