During the wikimania 2009 I was following this work : http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenLayers_Dynamic_POI for wikimania - openstreetmap collaboration
Please first check this url : http://osm.chamorro.com.ar/dpoi/ At this url you can see cassini localized tiles with info extracted from download.dbpedia.org dumps At low zoom levels we have a lot of info then we need to limit the info per tile. Now I use a random value but then I use anything else Limit it by category/subcategory/search keyword it's fine but I want to improve the system for a large number of points at this time. There are languages without tiles because I generate the index page from a list from dbpedia. Data are probably not correctly passed too This is a work in progress .
-- sorry for my poor English ---
I based my work on a minimal example . A more complex is here: http://www.freemap.sk/
Saludos , Jorge