On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 11:44 AM, Audeaude.wiki@gmail.com wrote:
The Maps extension appears to have a lot of excess code for supporting Google Maps, yahoo, etc. I see there also is geocoding, but it using Google Maps so we wouldn't want to use it.
Although, Google Maps and other non-free map services may be turned off with LocalSettings.php, I think it would be better not to have all that code in the extension. I would prefer to keep the code base small and simple as possible, and strictly have only open source mapping services in the code.
It really doesn't matter as long as it can be configured. Other people can use Google Maps but we don't have to.
What does the Maps extension do that we can't do with SlippyMaps that we would want for OpenStreetMap integration? Let's do things the other way around, instead of using Maps extension, use SlippyMaps and incorporate what bits of Maps code that are useful into SlippyMaps?
I don't really care either way but as far as I can tell we have two new people interested in working on the MediaWiki aspect as opposed to the 0.1 people we have now. That counts for a lot.