River Tarnell wrote:
Kai Krueger:
Frederik Ramm has written some scripts to analyse the postgres log files to check where the time is actually spent in rendering.
where can i find these scripts?
The scripts are in the osm-svn in the applications/rendering/mapnik/utils directory ( http://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/applications/rendering/mapnik/utils )
stylecheck.pl analyzes the style file and shows what SQL queries get generated for each zoom level and analyze_postgis_log.pl checks the log files to see how much time each one needs. The latter probably needs some adaptation to match the local log structure.
P.S. Is there another problem with rendering on cassini at the moment? None of the tiles seem to be rendered after the 14th of November. At least all the ones I checked with the /status page show the tiles as rendered prior to the 15th and all need re-rendering, even after requesting renderes for them via /dirty. The munin graphs for renderd show that they seem to get rendered, but don't appear. Is it possible that the tiles don't get saved any more (e.g. due to permission issues)?
- river.
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