Hi Everyone!
My name is Susanna Ånäs and I am active in the Finnish Wikimedia. We have a cooperation project going with the Finnish National Archives with their historical maps and this has given us the opportunity to look anew at the Wikimaps environment. http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikiprojekti_Historialliset_kartat/In...
Wikimaps was introduced as a concept by Maarten Dammers http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Wikimaps. The idea is to combine environments in Wikimedia to form a maps environment for scanned (historical) maps. I introduced the idea at GLAM-Wiki in London and I have my presentation slides on Sideshare at http://www.slideshare.net/susannaanas/glam-wiki-wikimaps.
A test environment is planned to be put up for testing for the Amsterdam Hackathon, more info to follow. Let's put up a Wikimaps page in http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wikimaps and gather material there (Feel free to start, I have not yet had the time :)
Please let's discuss the project on this list!
Nice to know all of you!
Best regards, Susanna User:Susannaanas