Hi there,
I updated my bicycle-layer: http://toolserver.org/~ti/map.png
slow-speed-areas: - highway=living_street OR maxspeed<=30 get a lime background
access restrictions: - forbidden ways are rendered in red, allowed ways in green and designated ways in blue - oneway-streets with two-way traffic for cyclists are rendered with turquoise dots - motorroad=yes/no is rendered with red/green squares
surface: - paved/asphalt/cobblestone/paving_stones/concrete: thin black line - unpaved/compacted/pebblestone/wood: thin white line - gravel/ground/grass/dirt/sand/earth: thin red line
The style-file can be found at the old location: /home/ti/styles/bicycle_combined.xml
Secondly, I'd like to renew my request for rendering the access-styles in /styles/qa/ and /styles/qai/ that would help to improve routing in OSM.
Regards, Thomas