after returning from my canada holidays, I see that the tirex "dirty"
rendering queue is inactive. Has it been deactivated by purpose or is
this an error?
Tirex Master Status (updated=2011-08-21 11:06:12)
Master server:
started=2011-08-10 21:36:48 pid=17815
Prio Size Maxsize Age
1 0 233
2 151144 151144 8792:53-14495:54
10 37 42 30:42-14204:24
all 151181 151181 30:42-14495:54
Buckets: (load=1.61)
Name Priority Rend. MaxRd Maxld Active Can Queued Age
missing 1- 1 3 6 20 yes yes 0
*dirty 2- 9 0 4 8 no no 151144 8792:53-14495:54
bulk 10- 19 0 3 6 yes no 37 30:42-14204:24
background 20- 0 3 4 yes no 0
^see line with the * Active=no
Kind regards,