Caryl writes:
And though I consider my experience at Winedale a failure, it was a failure I learned from in so many ways.
For all sorts of reasons, and speaking as someone who was there, I disagree with Caryl's assessmentl that her experience was a "failure," but the best reason is the one she herself gives us, which is that she learned lifelong, life-changing, life-improving lessons from her experience. That kind of learning turns a "failure" into a success.
The flip side is that I can imagine if someone was a student at S-at-W and seemed to be entirely successful -- performed well, collaborated well, worked well with the group, etc. -- and then maybe didn't take anything life-changing from it ... well, that would be a kind of failure, it seems to me, and a much sadder kind.
I don't know whether I learned more from my successes or my failures at Winedale -- I think that would be a hard call.
Caryl, how great about the anniversary in India! (Give Brijesh my regards!) And, yes, we certainly can schedule more events up here or down in Cupertino.