Dear Ancianos:
This email aims to answer some questions a number of our merry band have
asked about the 52ndAnniversary Shakespeare at Winedale Reunion Event set
for Saturday afternoon and evening, November 5, at Winedale. You may ask:
“Just what are those questions?” (And thus add to our total
But before we get into the questions and answers, we want to share what
this particular “short-form” reunion is about. Specifically, *Doc’s
students who participated in his Shakespeare at Winedale classes between
1970 and 2000 are invited to honor and celebrate Doc and our shared
experiences with Shakespeare and Winedale.* About 30 of these “Ancianos”
(we’d give you an exact count but that requires math!) are meeting for four
days and three nights, leading up to performances of a few selected scenes
on the Saturday night. Think of them as the Nerdy Thirty? *Saturday
evening, our weekend activities will culminate in a PERFORMANCE OF selected
scenes on the theme of Reunion, chosen and cast by Doc. All Ancianos are
invited to attend.*
Now for the 52nd Reunion Q&A!
*Question 1:* “What if I’m not one of the Nerdy Thirty?”
Our collective arms are wide open to Ancianos who want to come out on that
Saturday, both to show Doc their love and to see their friends. We are
keeping this intimate, so we respectfully request that spouses, partners,
children, friends who weren’t at Winedale wait for the next landmark
reunion in 2025. This particular off-year gathering centers on remembering
and communing with Doc and with one another—not just the Nerdy Thirty who
are performing, but also the veterans of the First Nerdy Thirty Years of
Shakespeare at Winedale.
*Question 2:* “Okay, if I can make it to Winedale for the festivities on
Saturday, Nov. 5, what are the rules, if any? What are the ‘best practices’
we should follow?”
• Remember, remember, it’s on the Fifth of November! (Saturday, that is.)
• Please arrive *2pm or later on Saturday*
• We will be working all day Saturday on a handful of scenes for
Saturday evening so we may not be able to visit much before dinner. *But we
know many Ancianos who come on Saturday for the BBQ might want to
participate more directly, so we may welcome you to sit in and offer ideas
and feedback as we work on the scenes!*
• We hope you will come for the BBQ *(@ $25/person—and we will need
payment in advance)* at 6 pm, and that you’ll arrive early enough to be
present for *Roll Call* as we all line up for BBQ.
• *Scenes will be at 8 pm.*
• After the scenes, we’re aimin’ to move the chairs aside and
convene a *Barn
Dance!* Bring instruments or favorite music to dance to! (You probably
have some playlists with something special on them that you want to share!)
Time for joyful exultation! Join Doc and JoAnn in some Texas Two Step! Or
fake it!
*Question(s) 3*: “Okay, there’s performances and a Barn Dance, and also
some food. Plus some Winedale rituals, I’m guessing. But what else is
planned? Should I bring my own stuff to eat or drink or share with others?
What if the Thirty make us Thirsty?”
*Answers: *
• We’re going to send out invitations via Eventbrite or email or some
similar 21st Century tool *so we’ll know how much BBQ and fixins to order. *
• (Yes, we’re repeating this one because we really want your help in this.
*)* Pre-performance, as people line up for the BBQ pit, the Ancianos will
start *the roll call of class years* at Shakespeare at Winedale, *and ask
you to call out your names, ex-student by ex-student.*)
• *After the performances you will be required to participate—or at
least raptly observe—the dance partay and mingling. *
• Prepare to bring instruments and recorded music for the after–BARN
• Bring your phones/cameras (what’s the difference, really?). *We want
to preserve this reunion for the ages!*
• If history is any guide, some attendees will bring potent
potables. *Ancianos
are by definition adults, but please be prudent and plan to allocate your
driving responsibilities safely.* Also, if you plan to avoid the late-night
drive by staying over in one of the nearby B&Bs, identify the place you
plan to stay and make those reservations now. (We can’t put you up or make
stayover plans for you!)
We expect lots of good moments at the 52nd Reunion, both small and large.
Plenty of happy memories and plenty of new memories to create together! We
can’t wait to see you there!
Sincerely and with all love,
Your Faithful Border Collies
*P.S., if you know Ancianos who aren't paying attention to this particular
mailing list--the one dedicated to students from the 1970 class through the
2000 class--please feel free to email this update directly to them. But
don't broadcast it to other lists--we're trying to be somewhat focused on
the Anciano alums and Doc's tenure as director of S-at-W.*