(Note from Mike: this email is going out to all folks on the big
Shakespeare-at-Winedale alumni mailing lists. With one particular
exception, which should be obvious. Read on.)
Dear Friends and Shakespeare at Winedale Family,
A group of former students of Winedale---from the pre-historic ages to the
present, from local terrain to places afar---would like to present Madge a
gift to honor her taking up the torch this summer and keeping the light of
Winedale burning. We love and appreciate the way she has created a brave
and safe place, full of risk-taking and play, for the Summer classes of
If you wish, please consider a contribution. Any amount will be make this
gift meaningful.
For Venmo, on the app send to:
@Jon-Watson-49 and add the last four digits of his cell phone= 6175
For Zelle, this is the info you need:
Jon Watson
PNC Bank
Please make a note “for Madge."
Or you can give cash or checks to Jon, Kathy, or Stan at Winedale at the
performances this weekend.
Much love and gratitude,
Jon, Kathy, and Stan