I implemented some of the changes Emmanuel suggested.
The tools are now all lowercase (zimdump, zimsearch, zimreader, zimwriter and zimbench).
The mime type is now in a separate table for the zimwriter. The mimetype-table has a column, if the mimetype should be compressed.
I also changed the name of the table "zimarticles" to "zimarticle". Tablenames should be singular like "article". It has annoyed me quite some time that the naming was not consistent.
There is also a new source for article data in zimwriter. I combined the full text search with the zimwriter. Using e.g.: zimwriter -S film -I wikipedia-de.zim -X wikipedia-de-x.zim film
creates a zim file "film.zim" with all articles from wikipedia-de.zim containing the word "film". This is especially useful for me to create smaller subsets from the big wikipedia-de.zim.