Le 13/11/2012 05:24, wp mirror a écrit :
Dear list members,
I am pleased to announce the release of WP-MIRROR 0.4. The main design objective of this version is this: WP-MIRROR 0.4 should work `out-of-the-box' with no user configuration.
The web page http://www.nongnu.org/wp-mirror/ has been updated. Feedback is welcome.
Sincerely Yours, Dr. Kent L. Miller
Good news, but after testing again, same type of problems than before occur: I mean dependency problems.
No clue about what and how exactly install all this clisp stuff. I have installed the asdf module with apt-get (ubuntu), but the wp-mirror still complains about it.
IMO, something should be furnished to be able to uses more or less out of the box this tool. The deb package is a good approach, but it would be great to furnish something (as easy to use) for other Linux distributions.
Kind regards Emmanuel