Tommi, do you have a description of the internal datastructure for zimwriter? Everyone who likes to implement an input module has to adapt "his" external format to this internal datastructure (?)
the interface of input modules can be found int eh header zim/writer/articlesource.h. To implement a new module, the two interfaces must be implemented. Currently we have to tell zimwriter, when to use these interfaces, but in the future people can just write a little main-function, which just instantiates the ArticleSource-derived class and runs the writer.
When I'm ready with this, there will be at least the current functionalities as examples and I will also write a wiki article about the input module. It will be quite easy.
We have already talked several times about another input module. One which grabs the articles directly via http from a mediawiki instance. Looks like the mediawiki api is enough to do it. Mirko looked at the api already the lilnux tag but it was not quite clear, if it will work. It just looks promising.
(sorry, but my mail client does not accept recipient addresses without a local part as you requested in your mail as a reply address)