Hey there,
I've got quite a long list of things to discuss with you:
== Developers Meeting 2009-2 == * http://openzim.org/2009-11-23_Report_Developers_Meeting_2009-2
The report for the our 2nd Developers Meeting that took place in the end of November 2009 is finally ready, at least I regard it as being ready.
Please revise it and make changes where needed.
== Yearly Report 2009 == * http://openzim.org/Yearly_Report_2009
At the Developers Meeting in November we agreed to write a report on what we did in 2009 and send it to our sponsors and supporters which are Wikimedia CH and the Wikimedia Foundation.
If the report above is good I will start compiling a report from the press releases and individual reports we have published for 2009.
As you see I have already created a structure for the report, so feel free to fill in any information you have to help completing it.
== Budget 2010 == * http://openzim.org/Budget_2010
I have started to plan for a budget in 2010, based on our requirements. Last year we applied for sponsorship at Wikimedia CH and made up a roughly estimated budget as we didn't had any experience and figures we could rely on.
This year is different, we have gained experience on the growth and requirements of our meetings we already had. So my approach is to calculate the requirements to host two Developer Meetings in a professional venue for ten attendees. I have sent inquiries for quotes, so we will have professional meetings and some room in the budget to be able to fully concentrate on our work.
Once the budget is ready I will ask several organisations for sponsorship, as Wikimedia CH and the Wikimedia Foundation. My hope is that Wikimedia CH will cover the most part while the Wikimedia Foundation supports us with one of their community grants.
Please feel free to discuss the budget here or on the wiki and bring up your thoughts and ideas.
== LinuxTag 2010 == * http://openzim.org/LinuxTag_2010
LinuxTag 2010 will take place on June 9th - 12th again in Berlin.
Tommi and I have applied for a booth and we are looking forward in getting a shared booth as last year for both openZIM and tntnet.
This year we also handed in a paper for a talk we want to give on openZIM together. If you have any ideas or opinion, just let us know or add them to the wiki page.
And of course we like to invite all of you to visit our booth or even help at the booth for a day or as long as you can. This is also a good opportunity to have something like a small Developers Meeting during the exhibition.
LinuxTag is also a valuable opportunity to meet with other activists in the FOSS movement and start new cooperations and partnerships, such as Linux4Africa or SkoleLinux which will have their booth there as well. We try to get a booth near those interesting projects.
Please participate. Just add your name on the list in the wiki, I will book accommodation for all us in the same hotel and take care of a good rate.
== MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up 2010 == * http://openzim.org/MediaWiki_Developer_Meet-Up_2010
Just new is the call for the MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up which took place last year for the first time. I have been at the Wikimedia Conference (aka. "Wikimedia Chapters Meeting") which was taking place in parallel, but I still meet the participants of the Developer Meet-Up at dinner and at the party after the conference.
Our contacts to the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Israel and Wikimedia Italia have been made there.
I don't know yet if I have time to be there, but I recommend everyone who is interested to come there. Just sign up at the wiki page. I am pretty sure that Tomasz Finc will be there as well as part of the Wikimedia Developers team.
Last year the meeting took place in the famous c-base in Berlin, a very special place perfect for such events. Wikimedia Deutschland took care of accommodation in a nearby hostel, breakfast, lunch and even day passes for the local transport for all participants, all for a decent fee (100 EUR). I hope and guess it will be handled the same this year.
This was a lot of information and I am happy to finally managed to share it with you. Thanks for reading through all of it.
Until the end of February I will be traveling all over Europe and hardly have time to take care about everything.
So please go ahead and alway remember: It's a wiki!
Have a great weekend!