Tommi Mäkitalo a écrit :
There is a class zim::Files, which represents a set of zim-files in one directory. I would like to drop that class, if it is not used in Kiwix. (Emmanuel: Can you verify that?)
I do not use zim::Files.
In the future I plan to create a utility, which merges the content of 2 or more zim files into one. The structure of zim files makes this a quite easy operation. Much easier than creating new zim files. Especially the changes I made compared to zeno makes it very easy and fast. Combining 2 zim files is almost as cheap as copying these files. So for users instead of copying all zim files into one directory, they can just combine multiple zim files to creat one single big file.
Ok for it me sounds good, but why not a method merge(path) in zim::File?
The utility will have an option to control how to handle duplicate articles. The utility may prefer the articles of one of the files, so it will be possible to make update files, which just provides the changed files. The resulting combined file will not be exactly the same as a new file, since it will have empty blob entries for removed article data. But the user won't see any difference.
I think, I will not need for the ZIM I want to build such feature... but I want to ask: why not consider additional ZIM files (with pictures for example) as an "additional pack" which can be merge with a specific ZIM file (in this case the ZIM creator has to take care about the uniqueness of URLs)?
Regards Emmanuel