On Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:10:01 +0200, Manuel Schneider wrote:
Title or Source could help here maybe.
My opinion: * "Title" is a label, we should not base such a automatic mechanism on that. * "Source" could be better but I have a bad feeling. Currently nobody use it, this is not clear for me what should exactly be there (if you have for example a ZIM with WP and WS). We also though about it to be able to provide dynamically generated "go to online version" buttons on articles. Worth, I see now way to guaranty the uniqueness of this value over the different publishers.
If we really need a new entity I would prefer if it was also defined by Dublin Core.
Identifiere looks useful.
Why not? But "identifier" looks like our ZIM id. It does not seems to have something about "serie" or "collection".
On the other hand I think the information could be retrieved from combined metadata to keep it simpler and easier to understand (human readable):
Like Subject = Wikipedia and Language = en, plus Date should give everything we need.