This last few months we have published important new versions of Kiwix
Desktop (rich ZIM reader for Windows & GNU/Linux), Kiwix Tools (with
HTTP daemon Kiwix Serve) and the underlying Libkiwix (for all Kiwix ports).
This has been a really long time since we talked here about our Kiwix
flagship softwares. Actually, these releases are the result of almost 18
months of work. We are not proud to take so long to make new releases
but the resources are tight and major changes have been done which
needed a high level of coordination and a long standing effort.
We finally have released:
* Kiwix Desktop 2.1 & 2.2 (93 tickets closed)
* Kiwix Tools 3.2 (21 tickets closed)
* Libkiwix 10 (123 tickets closed)
In a Nutshell here are the main improvements:
* Support of new libzim7 API and ZIM format
* Numerous improvements and bug fixes around fulltext search and suggestions
* Major improvements in the library mgmt
* Many UI design improvements in Kiwix Desktop
* Few fixes around GNU/Linux appimage version of Kiwix Desktop
* Revamp the welcome page in Kiwix Serve and allow filtering
* Strong development of the OPDS API in Kiwix Serve
* Lots of smaller bug fixes and new features
* ... You can go to https://code.kiwix.org to get the complete
changelogs and for more details.
Go to https://kiwix.org to download latest versions of Kiwix!
In the next 18 months, more releases of these pieces will be done. 2020
and 2021 have been busy with core improvements and this is now over (at
least for a bit ;). We are quite happy with our low-level libraries. We
will - from now - focus more on the UX around books in Kiwix, in
particular around the local/online library (something we would already
have done in 2021 but we have been too short on time).
I want to emphasize that this part of our work would not be possible
without the strong commitment of the WMF. The WMF, with his financing,
secures a baseline maintenance of the core software pieces in openZIM
and Kiwix. For the rest, we rely on the time & talent of C++ volunteer
Happy WE!
Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline & more
* Web: https://kiwix.org/
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiwixOffline
* Wiki: https://wiki.kiwix.org/
I remark that it seems it makes a year a half that we don't have post
posted here news about Kiwix JS. It is a pity, because this is one of
our most active code repository!
On the top of this, we just have released version 3.3.1 of all Web
Browser extensions (Firefox, Chrome & Edge) and Kiwix JS for Windows.
You can find the latest version of Kiwix JS Browser extensions:
* Chrome:
* Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/kiwix-offline/
* Edge:
Here are the recent changelogs:
Kiwix-JS v3.3.0
* FIX: Improve packaging for the Ubuntu Touch app
* FEATURE: Provided a workaround to enable Service Worker mode in
Firefox extensions (via a PWA)
* NEW: App now defaults to Service Worker mode if accessed directly as a
PWA (does not apply to browser extensions)
* NEW: Support for non-http URLs in img and link tags (e.g. data:
javascript:) in JQuery mode
* NEW: Added helpful tooltips to icons and settings in the app
* FIX: Scrolling to anchor targets in JQuery mode
* FIX: Caching of ZIM assets now includes any required query string in
SW mode
* FIX: Any favicon declared by the ZIM is now extracted and attached in
JQuery mode
* BUGFIX: Incorrect processing of titles with question marks or hashes
prevented display of some articles
Kiwix-JS v3.2.0
* NEW: Support latest format of ZIM archives (with no namespace)
* NEW: Optimization of title search by eliminating redundancies
* NEW: Support new format of title listings (v1) in no-namespace ZIM
* NEW: Use fast binary WASM decoders with fallback to ASM if necessary
* UPDATE: Clearer and more extensive documentation for end users in About
* BUGFIX: Issue with calculation for selection of random articles
Kiwix-JS v3.1.0
* NEW: Low-level block cache significantly improves binary search speed,
and can speed up resource loading in most browsers
* NEW: Archives with WebP-encoded images are now decoded in legacy
browsers via a polyfill
* UPDATE: Images are now extracted sequentially in jQuery mode from the
top of the DOM
* BUGFIX: Running binary searches are now cancelled completely if user
enters new search term or navigates away
The full Changelog can be found here:
We have already started to release ZIM files "without namesapces" and
this version 3.2.0+ is mandatory if you want to enjoy them with Kiwix JS.
All our Windows apps based on Kiwix JS have been updated in Microsoft
App Store too. You can enjoy our apps on all Windows
based devices (mobiles, tablets, PC, Xbox, ...):
* Wikivoyage:
* Wikimed: https://www.microsoft.com/fr-ch/p/wikimed/9phjsnp1cz8j
* Kiwix: https://www.microsoft.com/fr-ch/p/kiwix-js/9p8slz4j979j
Please report any problem. Work continues on our forge at
https://github.com/kiwix/kiwix-js and
Kiwix - Wikipedia Offline & more
* Web: http://www.kiwix.org
* Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiwixOffline
* more: http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Communication