v1.7.1 is a general release. Download links are available here:
These are the major changes since the last announcement (v1.6.1):
* Article popups when hovering over links. See [[Help:Options/Popups]]
* Improvements to the JTidy engine. See [[Help:Diagnostics/HTML_Tidy]]
and [[Help:Diagnostics/JTidy]]
* Configurable collapsible Table of Contents, Tables, NavFrames. See
[[Help:Diagnostics/Javascript/All]] and [[Help:Options/Wiki/HTML]]
* UI enhancements including expanded tab commands and Privacy Options.
See [[Help:Shortcuts]] and [[Help:Options/Security]]
* Minor parser improvements / enhanchments.
* New image packages for Turkish, Indonesian, Romanian and Serbian
wikis. See [[Help:Download]]
* Update image packages for English, Latin, Dutch, Italian, Spanish
and Russian wikis. See [[Help:Download]]
A full list of changes is available at [[Help:Change_log]] inside XOWA
As always, any feedback is appreciated.
Bonjour à tous,
Wikimania est une des rares opportunités pour permettre la rencontre de wikimédiens francophones de toute la planète.
Le dîner du 8 août n’étant pas compris dans le programme de Wikimania, je vous propose donc une rencontre ce soir là: https://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetups/French_speaker_meetup
Je profite de ce mail pour rappeler à tous qu’il est possible de faire imprimer de petits flyers décrivant vos projets, et ce même si vous ne participez pas à wikimania: https://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/Project_Leaflets
Et dernière annonce, les wikimédiens francophones venant de pays sans chapter peuvent me contacter s’ils ont besoin de brochures imprimées ou de matériels de communication pour leurs projets.
I use this email for mailing list only.
Charles ANDRES, Chief Science Officer
"Wikimedia CH" – Association for the advancement of free knowledge –
Skype: charles.andres.wmch
After porting Kiwixi on Raspberry Pi, I presented the whole system during
the inauguration of the new WMFR’s offices two weeks ago, and I present it
this Saturday on a small hackfest for general public in my local
For these two events I’ve created a small poster mainly to appeal the
public to this small device and explain the thing.
You can see on the photo that the system is entirely autonomous with the
battery (about 7 hours of functionning with Wi-Fi), which is kind to walk
with it even without power plug.
Poster (2xA5, in French, if you want the sources in SVG ask me):
Photo of the device:
~ Seb35