January 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 01:33:50 UTC 2012
Ending: Tue Jan 31 23:04:27 UTC 2012
Messages: 593
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- [Wikitech-l] FeaturedFeeds deployed
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- [Wikitech-l] One-time run of maintenance scripts to fix years-old utter brokeness
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- [Wikitech-l] One-time run of maintenance scripts to fix years-old utter brokeness
Federico Leva (Nemo)
- [Wikitech-l] i18n triage report
Siebrand Mazeland (WMF)
- [Wikitech-l] Getting the value of a variable defined in LocalSettings.php
Vance -
- [Wikitech-l] Getting the value of a variable defined in LocalSettings.php
Vance -
- [Wikitech-l] Report on WebFonts deployment
Amir E. Aharoni
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Amir E. Aharoni
- [Wikitech-l] Requesting Help with Gadgets on Indic Wikipedia
Amir E. Aharoni
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome Chris McMahon, QA Lead at Wikimedia Foundation
Amir E. Aharoni
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Jay Ashworth
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Jay Ashworth
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
Jeremy Baron
- [Wikitech-l] New list: labs-l
Jeremy Baron
- [Wikitech-l] suboptimal sharing interface
Jeremy Baron
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia Based Open Source Project - Help On Licencing
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] ResourceLoader and wikibits addHandler in IE
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] Breaking backwards compatibility (Re: MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer)
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] Wording (RE: SOPA banner implementation)
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] WikiEditor crashes due to bad preferences?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] WikiEditor crashes due to bad preferences?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] User email addresses and caching?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] User email addresses and caching?
Daniel Barrett
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
DJ Bauch
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
DJ Bauch
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
DJ Bauch
- [Wikitech-l] How to count amount of non categorized pages of a special namespace?
Uwe Baumbach
- [Wikitech-l] VIPS test
Tilman Bayer
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] search for irc logs, devs wanted (php)
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] Breaking backwards compatibility (Re: MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer)
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia Trusted XFF List
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] New committer: abemusic
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] One-time run of maintenance scripts to fix years-old utter brokeness
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] One-time run of maintenance scripts to fix years-old utter brokeness
Petr Bena
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
- [Wikitech-l] Mailing lists server migration today
Mark Bergsma
- [Wikitech-l] CANCELED: Mailing lists server migration today
Mark Bergsma
- [Wikitech-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
Mark Bergsma
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Alex Brollo
- [Wikitech-l] Wording (RE: SOPA banner implementation)
Leslie Carr
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
Leslie Carr
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
- [Wikitech-l] PHP 5.3.9 released (page says "All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.9.")
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
- [Wikitech-l] enable setting language preference without requiring login
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
- [Wikitech-l] Erasing old file versions?
- [Wikitech-l] Bug 13937: Correcting edit summaries (if own, last, & recent)
- [Wikitech-l] Change request please: Congress Lookup page text
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
- [Wikitech-l] What happened to MediaWiki-CVS
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Dan Collins
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Dan Collins
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Dan Collins
- [Wikitech-l] wikicaptcha on GitHub
Cristian Consonni
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Cristian Consonni
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Cristian Consonni
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Cristian Consonni
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Danese Cooper
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Thomas Dalton
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] jQuery.Deferred: introducing the Promise pattern to client-side async modules?
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] Hijacking a namespace
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] Hijacking a namespace
Jeroen De Dauw
- [Wikitech-l] Congratulations and thanks
Jon Davis
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Merlijn van Deen
- [Wikitech-l] Use of UserMailer::EmailNotifications
Freek Dijkstra
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
Erwin Dokter
- [Wikitech-l] Two more easy patches, and commit access suggestion
Erwin Dokter
- [Wikitech-l] Two more easy patches, and commit access suggestion
Erwin Dokter
- [Wikitech-l] Vector skin - How to show a background image on all non-content elements (like in monobook skin)
Erwin Dokter
- [Wikitech-l] 1.19 Blocker Triage
Erwin Dokter
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Mike Dupont
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Mike Dupont
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Mike Dupont
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Andre Engels
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Andre Engels
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Andre Engels
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome, Andrew Otto - Software Developer for Analytics
Asher Feldman
- [Wikitech-l] Come help us test the Android app before it goes to market
Tomasz Finc
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Tomasz Finc
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
Tomasz Finc
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
Tomasz Finc
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
James Forrester
- [Wikitech-l] Two more easy patches, and commit access suggestion
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Title objects as value objects; split with WikiPage/Article family?
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Mediawiki 2.0
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript is interesting (was: Mediawiki 2.0)
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] New list: labs-l
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] suboptimal sharing interface
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Bypassing the external image whitelist
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
Daniel Friesen
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: [Wmfcc-l] Black out saying "Enter your Zip Code" but not saying "in the US"
Sue Gardner
- [Wikitech-l] Change request please: Congress Lookup page text
Sue Gardner
- [Wikitech-l] Change request please: Congress Lookup page text
Sue Gardner
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Black favicon for en:wp shutdown?
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: [Foundation-l] Discussion duration and the SOPA shutdown
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] Blackout notice errors (English Wikipedia)
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] Impediments to forking
David Gerard
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Quim Gil
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Quim Gil
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Quim Gil
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Quim Gil
- [Wikitech-l] [Mediawiki-i18n] Report on WebFonts deployment
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Markus Glaser
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Markus Glaser
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
Markus Glaser
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
Markus Glaser
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
Ariel T. Glenn
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] PHP 5.3.9 released (page says "All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.9.")
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] PHP 5.3.9 released (page says "All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.9.")
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] upgrading from 1.16: php update.php (1.19alpha version) stalls in step "Populating img_sha1 field" on apparently the first image file
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] upgrading from 1.16: php update.php (1.19alpha version) stalls in step "Populating img_sha1 field" on apparently the first image file [solved in r108758]
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] Vector skin - How to show a background image on all non-content elements (like in monobook skin)
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] Erasing old file versions?
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] General question regarding Extensions and their status information
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] E:OggHandler status info
Thomas Gries
- [Wikitech-l] suboptimal sharing interface
- [Wikitech-l] Two more easy patches, and commit access suggestion
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Better publicizing MediaWiki API and tool development with MediaWiki
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Mass changes to bugs by Jan Kucera (Kozuch)
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome, Andrew Otto - Software Developer for Analytics
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] New committers
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Kolkata Wikimedia event needs MediaWiki developer(s), 25 January
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] asking for three CSS/JS fixes by Saturday
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] 3 talks at FOSDEM 2012 by Wikimedia developers
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: Call for Papers - Wikipedia Academy 2012: Research and Free Knowledge. (29.6.-1.7., Berlin)
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Call for Participation - Wikimania 2012 - deadline March 18th
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
Sumana Harihareswara
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Brandon Harris
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Brandon Harris
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Brandon Harris
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Brandon Harris
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla: Minor enhancements should not be tagged "highest" priority.
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] PHP 5.3.9 released (page says "All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.9.")
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] enable setting language preference without requiring login
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Change request please: Congress Lookup page text
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Help needed getting rid of the last bits of hook LanguageGetMagic
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Help needed getting rid of the last bits of hook LanguageGetMagic
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
John Du Hart
- [Wikitech-l] Deploying Swift for thumbnails next Mon-Thurs Feb 6-9
Ben Hartshorne
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
George Herbert
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement 57955)
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Fixing bugs before deployment (was Re: Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze)
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] [Mediawiki-i18n] Report on WebFonts deployment
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Fixing bugs before deployment (was Re: Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze)
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Small-ish gadget project: Bug update gadget
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Home stretch of 1.19 code review
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Mass changes to bugs by Jan Kucera (Kozuch)
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Localisation and internationalisation bug triage
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] New patches in Bugzilla from the last week
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] New patches in Bugzilla from the last week
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] New list: labs-l
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Getting 1.19 ready for deployment
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Small-ish gadget project: Bug update gadget
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] mw.util, ResourceLoader and 1.19
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] i18n Triage
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.19, Resource Loader, Gadgets, and User Scripts
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] 1.19 Blocker Triage
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] 1.19 Blocker Triage
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Pushing code review to 1.19
Mark A. Hershberger
- [Wikitech-l] Title objects as value objects; split with WikiPage/Article family?
- [Wikitech-l] snapshot of categories content and template usage
Piotr Jagielski
- [Wikitech-l] snapshot of categories content and template usage
Piotr Jagielski
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Brad Jorsch
- [Wikitech-l] snapshot of categories content and template usage
Petr Kadlec
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia Trusted XFF List
Petr Kadlec
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia Trusted XFF List
Petr Kadlec
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Ryan Kaldari
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Ryan Kaldari
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Kaldari
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Arbitrary data structures via API
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Arbitrary data structures via API
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Wikitech-l] Better publicizing MediaWiki API and tool development with MediaWiki
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Congratulations and thanks
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Private methods in API module(s)
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Arbitrary data structures via API
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Arbitrary data structures via API
Roan Kattouw
- [Wikitech-l] Requesting Help with Gadgets on Indic Wikipedia
Nasir Khan
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Daniel Kinzler
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Daniel Kinzler
- [Wikitech-l] Hijacking a namespace
Daniel Kinzler
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript is interesting (was: Mediawiki 2.0)
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
- [Wikitech-l] [TestSwarm] Mr. Epiphany (Ubuntu 11.04), please leave the swarm
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.19, Resource Loader, Gadgets, and User Scripts
- [Wikitech-l] Wording (RE: SOPA banner implementation)
Markus Krötzsch
- [Wikitech-l] Requesting Help with Gadgets on Indic Wikipedia
Srikanth Lakshmanan
- [Wikitech-l] Documentation for $wgExternalServers outdated?
Tim Landscheidt
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Tim Landscheidt
- [Wikitech-l] New list: labs-l
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] What will Wikipedia do next time
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] New committer: abemusic
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
Ryan Lane
- [Wikitech-l] Home stretch of 1.19 code review
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome, Andrew Otto - Software Developer for Analytics
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Breaking backwards compatibility (Re: MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer)
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] New committer: Thibaut Horel (zaran)
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.19, Resource Loader, Gadgets, and User Scripts
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Moving forward with Lua
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Reviewers: great work today!
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome Chris McMahon, QA Lead at Wikimedia Foundation
Rob Lanphier
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center (wican: to exclusive)
Jim Laurino
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
Niklas Laxström
- [Wikitech-l] What happened to MediaWiki-CVS
Niklas Laxström
- [Wikitech-l] 2012 Q1 Extension Page Review Drive
Niklas Laxström
- [Wikitech-l] Report on WebFonts deployment
Håkon Wium Lie
- [Wikitech-l] [Mediawiki-i18n] Report on WebFonts deployment
Håkon Wium Lie
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome, Andrew Otto - Software Developer for Analytics
Diederik van Liere
- [Wikitech-l] Better publicizing MediaWiki API and tool development with MediaWiki
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] Bug 13937: Correcting edit summaries (if own, last, & recent)
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
- [Wikitech-l] Impediments to forking
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Siebrand Mazeland
- [Wikitech-l] Help needed getting rid of the last bits of hook LanguageGetMagic
Siebrand Mazeland
- [Wikitech-l] Help needed getting rid of the last bits of hook LanguageGetMagic
Siebrand Mazeland
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Gerard Meijssen
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
Gerard Meijssen
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
Gerard Meijssen
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
Gerard Meijssen
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] LiquidThreads status
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] Wording (RE: SOPA banner implementation)
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Happy Melon
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] What will Wikipedia do next time
- [Wikitech-l] What will Wikipedia do next time
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki security and maintenance release 1.18.1
Bryan Tong Minh
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] LiquidThreads status
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Small-ish gadget project: Bug update gadget
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Fabrice Florin joins Wikimedia
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] [Wmfall] Please Welcome Andre Engels
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] [Wmfcc-l] Black out saying "Enter your Zip Code" but not saying "in the US"
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] What happened to MediaWiki-CVS
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Announcing Howie Fung as Director of Product Development
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome Chris McMahon, QA Lead at Wikimedia Foundation
Erik Moeller
- [Wikitech-l] Small-ish gadget project: Bug update gadget
Rob Moen
- [Wikitech-l] Small-ish gadget project: Bug update gadget
Rob Moen
- [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Fabrice Florin joins Wikimedia
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Thomas Morton
- [Wikitech-l] Pages-logging dump - more information?
Katja Mueller
- [Wikitech-l] Mediawiki 2.0
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] New patches in Bugzilla from the last week
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Change request please: Congress Lookup page text
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] New committer: Thibaut Horel (zaran)
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Antoine Musso
- [Wikitech-l] Pages-logging dump - more information?
Katja Müller
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
Dan Nessett
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript on Special:UserLogin?
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Yuvi Panda
- [Wikitech-l] Making the Lua/Javascript decision (Re: Performance roadmap update)
Trevor Parscal
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Trevor Parscal
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Trevor Parscal
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Trevor Parscal
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia engineering report for December 2011
Guillaume Paumier
- [Wikitech-l] Call for Participation - Wikimania 2012 - deadline March 18th
Guillaume Paumier
- [Wikitech-l] Better publicizing MediaWiki API and tool development with MediaWiki
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Want student help with your MediaWiki project?
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Bug 13937: Correcting edit summaries (if own, last, & recent)
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] What happened to MediaWiki-CVS
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] One-time run of maintenance scripts to fix years-old utter brokeness
K. Peachey
- [Wikitech-l] Home stretch of 1.19 code review
Jack Phoenix
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
- [Wikitech-l] wikicaptcha on GitHub
- [Wikitech-l] Pages-logging dump - more information?
- [Wikitech-l] New patches in Bugzilla from the last week
- [Wikitech-l] New patches in Bugzilla from the last week
- [Wikitech-l] Instructions for setting up regression tests on local machine?
- [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Fabrice Florin joins Wikimedia
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] Wednesday wikipedia shut down does not get through
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
- [Wikitech-l] Getting the value of a variable defined in LocalSettings.php
- [Wikitech-l] Moving forward with Lua
- [Wikitech-l] Impediments to forking
- [Wikitech-l] Announcing Howie Fung as Director of Product Development
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome Chris McMahon, QA Lead at Wikimedia Foundation
- [Wikitech-l] [Wmfcc-l] Black out saying "Enter your Zip Code" but not saying "in the US"
Jeremy Postlethwaite
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki security and maintenance release 1.18.1
Sam Reed
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki security release 1.17.2
Sam Reed
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Patrick Reilly
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Patrick Reilly
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Patrick Reilly
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Patrick Reilly
- [Wikitech-l] Private methods in API module(s)
Daniel Renfro
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Thomas Schmidt
- [Wikitech-l] JS load order, or: how to load a gadget before all others.
Thomas Schmidt
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Thomas Schmidt
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Thomas Schmidt
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
Thomas Schmidt
- [Wikitech-l] Title objects as value objects; split with WikiPage/Article family?
Aaron Schulz
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
Aaron Schulz
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Aaron Schulz
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Aaron Schulz
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Aaron Schulz
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] FeaturedFeeds deployed
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] Magic word for user language?
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] ArticleEmblems is back
Max Semenik
- [Wikitech-l] Announcement: Fabrice Florin joins Wikimedia
Alolita Sharma
- [Wikitech-l] [Localisation-team] i18n triage report
Alolita Sharma
- [Wikitech-l] Announcing Howie Fung as Director of Product Development
Alolita Sharma
- [Wikitech-l] Congratulations and thanks
William Allen Simpson
- [Wikitech-l] Congratulations and thanks
William Allen Simpson
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
William Allen Simpson
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Nikola Smolenski
- [Wikitech-l] Bug 13937: Correcting edit summaries (if own, last, & recent)
Nikola Smolenski
- [Wikitech-l] Requesting Help with Gadgets on Indic Wikipedia
Arnav Sonara
- [Wikitech-l] Requesting Help with Gadgets on Indic Wikipedia
Arnav Sonara
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Tim Starling
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Tim Starling
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Tim Starling
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
Tim Starling
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Tim Starling
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla: Minor enhancements should not be tagged "highest" priority.
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla: Minor enhancements should not be tagged "highest" priority.
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
- [Wikitech-l] Mediawiki 2.0
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
- [Wikitech-l] JavaScript profiling
- [Wikitech-l] online labs conference on irc
- [Wikitech-l] Please help test MediaWiki 1.19 now - deployments may start in February
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Santhosh Thottingal
- [Wikitech-l] Qunit tests for extensions
Santhosh Thottingal
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
John Vandenberg
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
John Vandenberg
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
John Vandenberg
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
John Vandenberg
- [Wikitech-l] [Foundation-l] COMPLETED: Mailing lists server migration today
John Vandenberg
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki Workshop: Preparing extensions for MediaWiki 1.19 - 1/13/2012 on #wikimedia-dev
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: wikicaptcha on GitHub
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] Reminder: 1/13 @ 19:00 UTC - MediaWiki Workshop: Preparing extensions for MW 1.19 on #wikimedia-dev
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki extension to black out your wiki in protest
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] 2012 Q1 Extension Page Review Drive
Gregory Varnum
- [Wikitech-l] MediaWiki 1.18 learnings from a wiki admin & extension writer
Victor Vasiliev
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA banner implementation
Victor Vasiliev
- [Wikitech-l] Call for Participation - Wikimania 2012 - deadline March 18th
Victor Vasiliev
- [Wikitech-l] Moving forward with Lua
Victor Vasiliev
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Files with unknown copyright status on MediaWiki wiki
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Plural, Gender parsing support for interface messages at client side
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Title objects as value objects; split with WikiPage/Article family?
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] jQuery.Deferred: introducing the Promise pattern to client-side async modules?
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Title objects as value objects; split with WikiPage/Article family?
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] No autodetection in Mobile Frontend extension
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] should we keep $wgDeprecationWhitelist
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] postgreSQL testing
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] Call for Participation - Wikimania 2012 - deadline March 18th
Brion Vibber
- [Wikitech-l] New committer
Robert Vogel
- [Wikitech-l] Erasing old file versions?
Leonard Wallentin
- [Wikitech-l] Erasing old file versions?
Leonard Wallentin
- [Wikitech-l] Erasing old file versions?
Leonard Wallentin
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Steven Walling
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
Nickanc Wikipedia
- [Wikitech-l] Some questions about #switch
Nickanc Wikipedia
- [Wikitech-l] Email notification sender
M. Williamson
- [Wikitech-l] Site Incident report - 1/20/12
CT Woo
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Peter Youngmeister
- [Wikitech-l] proposed tech conference anti-harassment policy
Peter Youngmeister
- [Wikitech-l] db22 failure causing CentralAuth problems
Daniel Zahn
- [Wikitech-l] db22 failure causing CentralAuth problems
Daniel Zahn
- [Wikitech-l] Welcome, Andrew Otto - Software Developer for Analytics
alolita.sharma at gmail.com
- [Wikitech-l] Please Welcome Andre Engels
alolita.sharma at gmail.com
- [Wikitech-l] Fwd: [Wikimania-l] Call for Participation - Wikimania 2012
- [Wikitech-l] Fixing bugs before deployment (was Re: Rolling towards 1.19... scheduling a code freeze)
- [Wikitech-l] SOPA commercial social networks
- [Wikitech-l] 2012 Q1 Extension Page Review Drive
- [Wikitech-l] Escaping messages
- [Wikitech-l] Decentralized data center
- [Wikitech-l] enable setting language preference without requiring login
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] Text browser users won't see your important site notice
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] Congratulations and thanks
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] how did spammers spam only some pretty links?
jidanni at jidanni.org
- [Wikitech-l] grouping users - an idea for a new SUL improvement
Mono mium
- [Wikitech-l] Wikimedia Based Open Source Project - Help On Licencing
Mono mium
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
- [Wikitech-l] Bugzilla Weekly Report
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 23:04:27 UTC 2012
Archived on: Fri Aug 17 22:05:47 UTC 2012
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).