On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 06:26:42PM -0700, Geoffrey Thomas wrote:
Karl Wick saith:
Here is a technical question: in the same way that the table of contents feature can be opened and collapsed with a click apparently wihout reloading the whole page (which IMHO is a very cool feature !), could we have collapseable notes for the edge of a document ?
We can easily use the same (or almost the same) code for hiding/showing sidenotes as we already do for hiding/showing the table of contents. I made a sample at
with JavaScript code based on the wikibits.js ToC code. The changes are to allow the ToC/note functions to operate on any ID, not tocinside, and for the default to be hidden notes.
Hold on a second. Such a default makes sidenotes completely unavailable for text browsers, not ? Please make sure your code also works with Javascript turned off.