On Nov 6, 2007 8:42 AM, David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com wrote:
Yes. These messages are newbie-biting at its finest.
Is this what newbie-biting is? I thought it was being hostile to new users.
There are certainly lots of things there which are unoptimal. But newbie-biting?
I would not call giving an established user a polite standard notice that they forgot to specific a license (http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Image:Rakhat_Aliyev.jpg&d...) on their 60th upload "newbie biting". Here we could improve things by adding a step to new user creation that allows new users to select "for images where I am the creator or copyright holder, I will allow them to be released under this licensing unless I specify otherwise". A default. It could default the license selector, and if the default were made public other people could just fix the tagging rather than nagging. That wouldn't solve the need to ask for authorship, but that issue should be fixed on the upload form.
Nor would I call it newbie biting to politely inquire why someone has uploaded an image owned by reuters...
Perhaps you could be more specific about the biting?