Hey everyone —
As you enjoy the wind through the trees, Outreach Assistant Katy Taylor and I would like to invite you to the two Festivals of Play at Winedale for 2018:
1) Saturday, April 28
Students from Blackshear, Ortega, UT Elementary Charter, and Pease elementary schools, and students from the Saturday Shakespeare program
2) Saturday, May 5
Students from Govalle, Cowan, Maplewood, Becker, Zavala, Herrington (Round Rock), Sommer (Round Rock), Gonzales (the Shakespeare Ninjas), and special guests from Humble Elementary (taught by Winedaler Kris Betts).
Performance times are roughly noon to 2 p.m. each Saturday, though we may have to start earlier on May 5; holler if you’re interested in coming and I can provide more details.
The performances will be followed by the traditional Eeyore’s festivities — maypole, sack races, costume relay, egg toss, and birthday cake for Eeyore, from about 2-3:30 p.m.. Then James’s students will perform “Midsummer” at 7 p.m. on Saturday the 28th.
Hope you can join us and you’re welcome to drop in and out as needed!
Hey ding a ding ding,
Clayton Stromberger Outreach Coordinator, UT Shakespeare at Winedale Department of English, College of Liberal Arts University of Texas at Austin cstromberger@austin.utexas.edumailto:cstromberger@austin.utexas.edu cell: 512-363-6864