Tina O'Neil Hageman ('89) has been located, thanks to Valerie Malone. With her permission, I'm forwarding her email to the list.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Tina & Tony Hageman tohageman@yahoo.com Date: Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 7:56 PM Subject: Re: Fwd: [Winedale-l] Greeting and Invitation from Doc To: Mike Godwin mgodwin@wikimedia.org
Hi Mike Godwin! Thanks so much for all your efforts on this reunion, and for finding me!
I am now in Dallas, as a director of services at a nonprofit domestic violence agency. I am happily married and have 2 beautiful, personable and wise children aged 10 and 8.
I was just this afternoon talking about Winedale to a coworker, as I always refer to that life-changing experience for me...if I could succeed at performing Shakespeare as a college student, I can do absolutely anything!
I'll look at my calendar and hopefully join some of the reunion events, and hopefully see you there.
Fondly, Tina O'Neil Hageman
AKA Hodge (Shoemakers Holiday), Sylvia (Two Gentleman of Verona), Jessica (Merchant of Venice) Winedale class of 1989 - I had to look up the year!