I'm really proud to be part of this project: Bob Tolaro and Jill Blackwood are already knocking the courtroom scene out of the ballpark, and we're not done rehearsing yet. Besides some great scenes from Merchant we will hear from some great speakers, two of whom I've had the pleasure of working with in the past, who will not only share their knowledge with us, but lead discussion on the topic. And all of this will help Austin Shakespeare in it's quest to keep bringing you Shakespeare and other classical theater, including our upcoming production of Love's Labours Lost in Zilker Park in May (for free).
Come see Austin Shakespeare's upcoming political forum: "Shakespeare, Politics and Shylock" on Thursday, March 24 at 8 pm at the Jewish Community Center of Austin or Saturday, March 26 at 8 pm at The Curtain Theatre. The evening will include scenes from The Merchant of Venice and discussions led by: UT professor, Dr. Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, Dr. Yaron Brook, Ayn Rand Institute, and (on Thursday only) Dr. James Loehlin, Shakespeare at Winedale Regents Professor.
Robert Tolaro as “Shylock”, Jill Blackwood as “Portia”, Rommel Sulit as "Antonio", David Boss as "Bassanio", Robert Stevens as "The Duke", Steve Cruz in Multiple Roles.
Additional tickets are available at: (512) 474-8497 or http://www.nowplayingaustin.com/event/detail/441130052/Shakespeare_Politics_... .