That was beautiful. Now I understand why, one year after my summer at Winedale, I dropped out of graduate school and moved to Berkeley to live in a house of 4 men and 4 women and work in a bakery.
Rob Lallier Class of 75
From: [] On Behalf Of Shawn Kairschner Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 5:22 PM To: '' Subject: [Winedale-l] Happy Birthday, Doc
Dear Doc:
This weekend, a Villanova colleague and I took a group of Honors students on a field trip to the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, VA to see plays, take workshops, etc. As you probably well know, Spring is their "Renaissance Season," during which the actors work on more obscure plays without the benefit of directors, costumers and props masters. In addition, they write and/ or play all the music for the production, including extensive pre-show and intra-act songs.
In short, its a lot like Winedale. And our t students were mesmerized. This weekend is the lynchpin of a course in which we study a single play over the course of the semester: we read the play, relevant critical literature, edit it down to a more manageable performance length and then prepare for two public performances. As I noted, they are Honors students, not Theatre majors; they are smart and motivated, but not particularly performative. Consequently, I find that the values learned at Winedale apply here forcefully: use the words, tell the story, invest in ensemble. And, most importantly: risk.
When I was at Winedale (in '95 and, yes, I'm proud), we were fortunate enough to have Merchant of Venice as one of our three plays; I played Bassanio. And that summer's enduring message for me was that which Bassanio learns: hazard all. As luck would have it, Merchant is the play we are currently working on, and I find myself encouraging, as Doc did for all of us, students to take risks. On the most material level, this means being willing to slide down stairs on one's belly. But there are riskier enterprises: dare to love one another fiercely, to allow that affection to shape the group in profound ways, dare to invite the audience into that circle and gently squeeze...
As with the young actors at Winedale, we're not expecting our students to become theatre professionals. Rather, it is our fervent hope that they will apply the lessons learned in this course (play! say yes! take a fucking chance!) to whichever endeavors they choose to give themselves in future, with a positive impact on their interactions with family, friends and colleagues.
The lessons taught by you, Doc, to so many.
Happy Birthday!
I wouldn't be surprised if some students decided, after their Winedale experiences, to move in the opposite direction. Winedale is very good at shaking up one's presumptions about oneself.
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 11:39 AM, Lallier,Rob (DSHS) wrote:
That was beautiful. Now I understand why, one year after my summer at Winedale, I dropped out of graduate school and moved to Berkeley to live in a house of 4 men and 4 women and work in a bakery.