Claire's current health problems make it difficult for her to engage vocally over the phone, but she should be able to read, listen to, or watch any birthday wishes and other messages you send her.
For contacting her, here are the pertinent details:
(a) cell phone, (not for voice calls but text messages and videos are great): 503-619-9664
(b) email: (You also may send video and audio attachments to email, possibly.)
(c) mailing address: 20750 N. 87th St, #1065., Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Feel free to send Claire a bit of love on her 60th birthday.
I join all of us who have been inspired to admiration and love by Claire over the years--I hope you do too.
Thanks to all of you, and particularly to Kathy Blackbird who gathered the contact information I've re-sent to you in this email.
Love to all of you!