Sarah! a very memorable few minutes, as I recall! xoxoxo On Jul 28, 2014, at 6:14 PM, Hagge Sarah wrote:
2000 was Merry Wives of Windsor, if I recall correctly. I was was even in it for a few minutes! :P
From: David Ziegler To: ""; "" Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 5:08 PM Subject: failing memories
Can we get a little help from the Reunion crowds: Jayne and I are trying to remember the years we did Reunion plays. (I can't remember if I was there in 1995 or 2000, for example.) To assist our feeble brains, what were the plays for the following Reunion summers:
1990 - 1995 - 2000 - 2005 - scenes: starring Joy Howard as Juliet 2010 - scenes: starring Craig Hurwitz as Falstaff
One of those years was Comedy of Errors. I was there for that. Another was Midsummers? (I was not there for that.)
Wait, why did I come into this room?
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