I agree! What a commanding article! Comprehensive and inspiring.
Claire Szabo-Cassella csc1964@icloud.com +1 503 619 9664
On May 1, 2016, at 5:06 PM, Clayton Stromberger cstromberger@austin.utexas.edu wrote:
I’m adding Kelsi to this so she can see some of the responses to the Shakespeare at Winedale piece in the Humanities Texas newsletter. Kelsi, it’s a hit! Beautifully done. You did a masterful job with the interviews and pulling it all together. The photos and pullout quotes are terrific.
You really created something that will be a wonderful resource for years to come. Thanks so much for going the extra mile to make it shine.
Clayton S.
On Apr 30, 2016, at 3:34 PM, David Kroll dckroll@gmail.com wrote:
Well-done! I give this piece a standing ovation. Thanks for creating a keepsake.
On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 12:05 PM, Alice Gordon alicegordon@earthlink.net wrote: Yes, Mike, thank you so much for sending this, and you too, Madge, for putting it on Facebook. It was wonderful to walk through the living history led by Doc, to observe him observing all of us, to see the project through his scholarship and discoveries and memories and insights and continual subtle and bold adjustments to his work.
Kelsi, are you on this email list? Congratulations on a beautiful job. I'm deeply grateful for this document. I confess to having a favorite passage already, even though rereadings will bookmark many more:
They also remember the times when they didn't quite do it, and they laugh those off. And that's fine. While I'm preaching one message, I'm also very much aware that the very first thing we do here is fail. And there's nothing wrong with that. The only way from failure—you go straight up. There's no way to fail worse. We expect that, and I told them at the beginning, "Don't worry about starting, don't worry about later on, but you're going to reach a point where you're going to be beyond that. That is, failure or weakness is not going to be a possibility at all, and you're not going to make excuses because all [excuses] do is say that something has control over you. You have control over you. Get it?" And they get it.
LOVE to all, Alice
On Apr 30, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Laura Smith lsmith78703@gmail.com wrote:
Great story.. Thanks for sharing!
On Friday, April 29, 2016, Mike Godwin mnemonic@gmail.com wrote: Oops. Here's the URL: http://www.humanitiestexas.org/news/articles/let-wonder-seem-familiar-histor...
On Friday, April 29, 2016, Mike Godwin mnemonic@gmail.com wrote: A whole lot of this long article is Doc's first-person accounts of how S-at-W cane to be. This piece includes so much that I managed to learn more stuff I hadn't known before--which was great! Includes contributions from former students too.
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