I am saddened to hear this. I was lucky enough to be an attendant lord with her to swell a progress or start a scene or two in Hamlet in Summer of 1988. She was a warm and supportive classmate always ready to help bring out the best in those around her. On 7/28/2024 12:19:30 PM, James Ayres jayres@cvctx.com wrote: I regret to write that Angale Breckenridge has passed away on July 25th. Her husband, Tedd Walley, notified me. Here is a link for the memorial. https://www.weremember.com/angela-breckenridge/5a0m/memories?utm_campaign=me... [https://www.weremember.com/angela-breckenridge/5a0m/memories?utm_campaign=me... And here is Tedd’s email should you wish to write a note. teddwalley@yahoo.com [mailto:teddwalley@yahoo.com]. Angela was in the class in 1988, Avery bright and energetic Puck! And she was Hyppolyta to Robert Pees' Theseus in our reunion MND. She was a brilliant, spirited, vibrant soul who brought love to every moment of play.