Agree, Alice. On all points. I never met Nancy and missed the '86 plays by two years, yet it felt as if I were reading about a friend and could picture her on the stage. Angela
Angela Breckenridge, PhD #F Saint John Court New Orleans, LA 70119
________________________________ From: Alice Gordon To: Clay Stromberger Cc: Shakespeare at Winedale 1970-2000 alums Sent: Mon, April 4, 2011 1:09:19 PM Subject: Re: [Winedale-l] Nancy Hellinghausen, summer '86
What a lovely obituary. Even without having known her one can see she was one of the seekers who found the way to Sh at Winedale to discover their best selves waiting to emerge there.
Thank you all for telling us of Nancy. Thank you Doc for putting us all together in literature and love.
Alice Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 3, 2011, at 7:54 AM, Clay Stromberger wrote:
Thanks Kathy and Jayne. I remember her vividly from those indelible performances in '86 and I'll always regret I never had the opportunity to know her better. I remember many wonderful and very funny stories about her from you two, Mark Bouler, David and others. An amazing woman.
On Apr 3, 2011, at 9:34 AM, kathryn blackbird wrote:
Here is the obituary for Nancy from the Lubbock paper printed this morning. It nicely sets out a small measure of her accomplishments, smarts, and beauty. We loved her dearly and she will be greatly missed.
Kathy Blackbird
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