Dear fellow ancianos,
Do you need some Winedale in your life? A small group of ancianos (the
earliest explorers of Shakespeare at Winedale) has been imagining
possibilities with Doc and one another, and we think it’s high time to get
together again.
A full-scale reunion with complete productions of plays feels unrealistic
for many reasons, but a long weekend of scenes, poems, music, improv,
circles, and messing around really appeals to us.
What are you doing from Thursday, 3 November through Sunday, 6 November? We
have zeroed in on these dates as the likeliest to offer accommodations for
all who need them. (Doc will be our cruise director).
First we need to know your availability and interest. Do you want to play
with other ancianos over the span of a crisp fall weekend? You could choose
a little or a lot. Maybe you will just drive in for the day or maybe you’re
hungrier for the whole enchilada.
Please reply by no later than* July 4, *indicating whether you’ll expect to
be a day-tripper or a full-weekender needing a place to stay. Once we’ve
got a sense of the numbers of participants, we can begin gathering your
views about how we could spend our time in the Barn. Avoiding the "reply
all" option, please send your replies directly to me at
gail.mcdonald100(a) and I'll keep the other planners up to date.
Can't wait to hear from you!
Gail (McDonald)
On behalf of Doc Ayres, Mary Collins, Madge Darlington, Mike Godwin, Alice
Gordon, Maggie Megaw, and Susan Gayle Todd