In my earlier letter, I invited your support for Camp Shakespeare ’16 and also for chair-back name plates for the new (and very comfortable) cushioned chairs in the Theater Barn. Two things. When actually they are one. By purchasing a plaque—at $300 each--you have your choice of supporting Camp Shakespeare, Shakespeare at Winedale, or Shakespeare Outreach. The plaques cost only about $ 20.00 or so. The balance goes to the program of your choice. By my figuring—240 chairs—we have the potential of raising $72,000. What part of that comes to Camp Shakespeare is up to donors. But whatever does, will go into the endowment in my name initiated by Jayne and Rick Suhler, for Camp Shakespeare.
In one week after announcing this, I already have pledges for 33 chairs for Camp Shakespeare! That’s $9.900 already! And James students and the friends have pledged 15 or so more chairs for Shakespeare at Winedale. So things are moving along! Thanks for considering this. When the list grows to 100, I will send everyone the list of donors and honorees. That is, if the donors approve.
Have a very happy Spring Break.
Jim (Doc) Ayres
Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas
Founding Director, Shakespeare at Winedale
Director, Camp Shakespeare