Dear all,
I have some sad news. Nancy Hellinghausen, summer of 1986, passed away on Thursday after a short but brave fight with pancreatic cancer. Some of you may remember Nancy as the beautiful Princess in Love's Labour's Lost, among her other roles that summer.
Nancy, who was diagnosed with the cancer just after Christmas, was surrounded by her husband, Allan Brown, and her brothers and sisters when she died.
After 25 years, Nancy still counted among her best friends those she had met at Winedale, and some of us were able to spend time with her recently to say good bye. That the friendships we forge in the barn can endure for a lifetime is another testament to Doc and the power of Shakespeare.
Here is the funeral information from the family, but please feel free to email me if you knew Nancy and would like more information:
Arrangements have been made for a vigil at St. Ann's Catholic Church, 1906 West Texas Ave, Midland, TX, at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5. The funeral mass for Nancy will be held at the same location on Wednesday, April 6, at 10:30 a.m. Lunch will follow in the Parlor Annex.
My best to all of you,
Jayne Noble Suhler
(86, 87, reunions 95, '05, '10)