This message is for those who have sent me reservations for the
Reunion Brunch and the day-ending BBQ "Banquet." It applies to all
former students attending and performing at the Reunion. To everyone.
Tickets for the Reunion Brunch (10:30-1:30) are $13.00 per person.
Tickets for the BBQ (6:00 cocktails, 7:00 Banquet) are $12.00 per
person. $25.00 for both. You may pay for the number of reservations
you have sent to me either in advance by mail or at the Reunion in
person. Should you choose the first option, please send me your check
for the appropriate amount at P.O. Box 202, Round Top, TX, 78954.
Please make the check "TO" The University of Texas" and mark if "FOR"
Reunion '10.
I would like to have as many of these as soon as possible, if that is
convenient with you, since I have to make deposits with the
caterers. And I need to know, of course, of any adjustment in the
number of reservations you have sent me.
The settings for both brunch and BBQ will be under the pecan trees
next to the Theater Barn. Former students of both Shakespeare at
Winedale and Camp Shakespeare will be performing during both feasts in
the circle described by the tables, "in the round" one might say.
There will be music, song and scenes from the plays.
There will be a per-person charge of $5.00 for those attending solely
for the entertainment. And as well an opportunity for anyone to drop
into the kitty something for beer and wine.
I look forward to seeing you at Winedale on the 14th!