Hi all,
I know Steven just sent out a note for Barry's Friday office hours but this is in addition.Sorry for the late notice and for sending them out of order.
Sue Gardner, the Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation, will be having office hours this Thursday (Tomorrow) at 17:00 UTC (10:00 PDT, 13:00 EDT 19:00 CEST) on IRC in the #wikimedia-office channel.
If you do not have an IRC client, there are two ways you can come chat using a web browser: First, using the Wikizine chat gateway at http://chatwikizine.memebot.com/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi. Type a nickname, select irc.freenode.net from the top menu and #wikimedia-office from the following menu, then login to join.
Or, you can access Freenode by going to http://webchat.freenode.net/, typing in the nickname of your choice and choosing #wikimedia-office as the channel. You may be prompted to click through a security warning, which you can click to accept.
Please feel free to forward and translate this email to any list I may have missed and I hope to see everyone online!