Thanks to Ilya Haykinson, there's now a web interface to our chat rooms:
If you've always thought about joining our real-time chat, this is an easy way for you to get connected without knowing anything about IRC. We have also reorganized the chat rooms a bit. There are now the following channels:
#wikinews - international discussion, coordination of global reporting
#wikinews-en - #wikinews-pl - #de.wikinews - still follows the old naming convention. FreeNode prefers the "project-subproject" convention.
I'm very happy with these developments. Already, there have been some interesting discussions on #wikinews about a global editorial policy for Wikinews, and a lot of exchanges between the Polish and English communities. I hope that more people from the other editions will join the international chat room on a regular basis.
If you intend to use the chat, please add yourself to the list at so we have an idea who comes from which region.
All best,