Karl Wick saith:
Hey I'm no real programmer although I have tinkered with code. I wanted to mess with that cool side note page to see if I could format it into two formal columns, one wide one on the left and a narrow one on the right. However I don't konw how to mess with it as there is no "edit" button in the page. (I could note that I have not messed with uploading files to the WP before ...) Is there a simple way that someone could explain how I can play with that code ? Or could someone do the edit into two columns, so that there is no text reflow when the note dialog opens ?
Thanks, Karl
Like this?
In IE, there's no space between the second and third paragraphs. In Mozilla, there are two spaces. The reason for the strange spacing is that a <tr> ends after the second paragraph. I'm not sure how to fix this. In Opera, the notes stay open and [hide] doesn't work. (Which is to be expected.) In Lynx, the notes follow immediately after the text. Lynx's <table> handling isn't too good (if it even recognizes the tag).
There's only one reflow problem: when you have a note that's bigger than the associated text. Hmm....what if it changes the .style.color to the background instead of the .style.display to none? That would even make the table unnecessary...
To edit: save locally and reupload. HTML (obviously) won't be an image format. And it's okay to reupload over existing files because Wikipedia keeps old revisions. I just made a new file because the interface changed.
===== -Geoffrey Thomas geoffreyerffoeg@yahoo.com
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