Robert Scott Horning wrote:
One of the suggestions I have made is that when the time comes for Wikiversity to be "seperated" from Wikibooks, that Wikiversity simply duplicate the Wikibooks database and let the editors on Wikiversity have a fun time culling the Wikibooks-only content, with of course moving the "Wikiversity" page to "Main Page" and some other minor housecleaning items. It might even be worth while to simply copy the user database as well in this situation, and have a steward simply desysop and sysop the new admins/bureaucrats for Wikibooks.
I think the above is a fairly brilliant suggestion that will make everyone much more productive than trying to "transwiki" page by page and fix all links. It embodies the inherent wisdom of the like it, lump it, or fork it of the typical volunteer driven open/free content project. Proponents can all do as they please and see what works on their project or task. Opponents can be encouraged to go back to their personal proponent space. If naysayers are brilliant enough in their analysis, presentation, and real politicking they can be embraced and extended into local proponents or encouraged to duplicate enough effort such that it is clear how participants wish to vote with their feet.
regards, lazyquasar