Of interest to those on textbook-l? There is very clearly no consensus on this issue at Commons currently, so any input is certainly welcome.
-----Original Message----- From: Michael Maggs Sent: August 3, 2008 3:27 PM Subject: Re: Proposal to rewrite Commons Scope
I have been away for a while, so haven't been able to take this forward. Before going live I would like to see more comment on the pdf issue, as there are opposing views with no obvious consensus. Since this is probably of most concern to Wikibooks and Wikisource I propose to invite comments from users of those Wikis in particular.
Larry Pieniazek wrote:
So.... it's been a while now.
Can I urge everyone to review the discussion at
and if you're cool with it, signify approval and push for adoption? If
please raise issues that need working out. Thanks!!!
Larry Pieniazek Hobby mail: Lar at Miltontrainworks dot com