Logos have always been a matter for each project to sort out, so it's not up to Florence to wave a magic wand over or kickstart this discussion - it's up to the community.
The discussion and vote was completely derailed because the WMF waved a "magic wand" and said we couldnt use the color scheme that everybody had already voted on. Since the WMF did have a negative effect on the progress of the discussion, it would seem reasonable that the WMF could lend us a helping hand as well. I'm not asking for any miracles or any "magic", just a little help.
What I think Florence is saying is that perhaps we should be thinking about project logos/taglines/names as a joined-up Wikimedia-wide discussion - in contrast to what has been done before. However, there should be nothing stopping the Wikibooks community from reviving the unresolved vote (if that's how the community feel about it), and perhaps, in the process, think through some of the issues that have been raised during this "branding" discussion that the Wikibooks community find compelling for them, and their place within the Wikimedia movement.
What wikibooks doesnt have is a suitable public image, in part I would say because of it's old logo. I had heard a suggestion on foundation-l about creating a common tag-line for all the projects, but perhaps Wikibooks needs a new slogan as well as a shiny new logo. Wikibooks is never going to reach it's potential as a great project with a second-rate logo and no help from the WMF.
--Andrew Whitworth
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