I've posted a discussion at:
where I've discussed the idea of trying to set up an independent group of Wikimedia users for the purpose of making physical publications of Wikibooks content.
I think the time is ripe for this to happen, and for some significant publications to start coming out of the Wikibooks project. I'm even willing to put some of my own money into this endeavor, but I would also like to see if there is any additional interest in those sympathetic to Wikibooks who would like to join me in this effort.
I also don't want to be accused of abusing my position as an administrator on Wikibooks, but instead just want to see this project succeed and go places that it hasn't been to before.
About a year ago I made a printed version of the Wikijunior Solar System book and passed it around to several parents in the neighborhood that I lived in. None of them are even semi-regular Wikimedia users, but rather just ordinary parents. They were very interested in getting a copy of the content, but seemed to be confused about the idea of copyleft content and such. What they were looking for was essentially a publisher that was selling this stuff, even if it was available on-line only. I've also been contacted by some home-schooling groups that seemed to be especially interested in the Wikijunior books, although some of the other stuff on Wikibooks seems to have some interest as well.
I've been waiting for what was the best time to start doing something like this, and I feel the time has now come on Wikibooks to finally really push forward and try to get some sort of publishing done with this content. To avoid issues with the tax-excempt status of the Wikimedia Foundation, I do feel that this needs to be something done outside of Wikibooks itself, with the majority of the discussion happening on either mailing lists or perhaps a Wiki set up on an independent server.
BTW, yes I am aware of http://wikipress.de/ but as they are primarily dealing with German Wikipedia content being sold to people in the European Union, and what I am talking about is English Wikibooks content being sold to North America, I think there is a significant enough difference to require another group being set up for this project. I also don't want to be doing duplication of effort here if there is anybody else that is also working toward this goal.
If there isn't any commentary or interest from other individuals, I'm going to go ahead and do this anyway myself and be bold, but I do want to make other Wikibooks user aware of this effort.