On Thu, 13 Nov 2008 18:54:01 -0500, "Andrew Whitworth" wknight8111@gmail.com said: [...]
- On the table of contents, it says "Articles", when that word really
doesn't mean anything for books. The first heading that says "Articles" should either be changed to the name of the book or should be removed entirely. Actually, you could probably read the value from [[MediaWiki:Article]] to make this solution portable.
Good call. -> http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/ticket/356
- Subpages shouldn't be prepended with the name of the book. For
instance, the chapter should just be titled "CHAPTERNAME", not "BOOKNAME/CHAPTERNAME". Maybe we could have a way to override the displayed name of a chapter, which would make good sense for books where technical difficulties prevent the name from being displayed properly on the wiki.
Requested: http://code.pediapress.com/wiki/ticket/355
- Math formulas are generally very well rendered and handled,
although integrals, limits and summations seem to be a bit cramped.
This should probably use the same renderer as we use for math images. Not sure why it wouldn't do so. Haven't added a bug for this as it's not clear to me what's going on or what needs to change.
- I would love it if authors could specify some kind of "print name",
such as in their preferences. That way people could be recognized by their real names if they choose, instead of by their on-wiki screennames.
We could request $wgAllowRealName to be enabled - then Collections could access that for attribution where provided. Probably that's a good idea - users don't have to provide a real name, and we should allow everyone who wishes to do so to provide a name for attribution.
---- Mike.lifeguard mikelifeguard@fastmail.fm