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Google Alert for: *wikibooks*
*Wikibooks* Take on Textbooks - Mumbai,India *Wikibooks*, sister project to Wikipedia - the online encyclopedia that can be accessed and edited by anyone, has been introduced. *...*
*Wikibooks* takes on textbook industry | CNET News.com *Wikibooks* takes on textbook industry | Project aims to create open-ended curriculum that would offer a free, licensable alternative to traditional textbooks * ...*
Lorcan Dempsey's weblog: *Wikibooks* *Wikibooks*. Research, learning and scholarly communication, Social networking, ebooks and other e-resources *...* *Wikibooks* is one of the Wikimedia family. *...*
AnandTech News: *Wikibooks* takes on textbook industry *Wikibooks* takes on textbook industry *...* at the Wikimedia Foundation have anything to say about it, you could have another way to go--the *Wikibooks* project. *...*
USC Digital Connections Weblog: *wikibooks* *wikibooks*. If you found yourself needing an old biology textbook and couldn't locate your battered copy from college, you'd have a few options. *...*
Shore Communications Inc.: Commentary - Weblogs - Shore News *...* *Wikibooks* Welcome Open-Source Textbooks to the Web *...* *Wikibooks* would in effect become a "generic brand" competing against major text publishing houses, * ...*
*Wikibooks* Project Takes on Publishers. Wait! That's Me | Kairosnews*Wikibooks* +takes+on+textbook+industry/2100-1025_3-5884291. *...* *Wikibooks* won't replace entirely the pedagogical tool known as a textbook *...*
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