--- Daniel Ehrenberg littledanehren@yahoo.com wrote:
--- Geoffrey Thomas geoffreyerffoeg@yahoo.com wrote:
There's a link on the left called "Edit this page". You can use it to delete the link. :-) (I just did so.)
The entire Wikipedia is a WikiWiki, meaning anyone can edit any page.
There are a whole bunch of broken links around the Wikipedia, and they get cleaned out as people visit them.
This is the mailing list for textbook.wikipedia.org, the Wikibooks project. The main Wikipedia mailing list is wikipedia-l@wikipedia.org.
Geoffrey Thomas, one of the many hundred regulars at Wikipedia, the free, open-content, fastest-growing, WikiWiki encyclopedia
I believe that that message was sent by a computer at InternetSeer.com, which someone signed up for. It finds broken links on normal websites, but it not fit for Wikis. I don't know who subscribed for it, so I can't unsubscribe. LDan
Hmm. I just clicked on the link in the e-mail:
textbook-l@wikipedia.org has been removed from SiteCheck. _Click here if there are any other addresses you would like to exclude from potential future contact._
The link points to http://scclick.internetseer.com/sitecheck/cancelemails.jsp if anyone wants to remove the other mailing lists. I'd trust this company on not being a spamming e-mail harvester.
The only strange thing is that Textbook-l is the contact for the German Wikipedia....
===== -Geoffrey Thomas geoffreyerffoeg@yahoo.com
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