On 6/18/06, listspam@cretin.net listspam@cretin.net wrote:
Sure, but the more important issue is deletions desired by the contributors of larger books. For the cookbook this is especially important; we get lots of piecemeal, unfinished or downright bad contributions by more people than any other book. We shouldn't need a full scale VFD for each module we want to do away with and yet marking these modules as speedies raises objections from admins who see potentially usable content. There needs to be a greater degree of trust in the major contributors to decide what is not appropriate for their book.
Okay, then let's make another template for speedies within the cookbook namespace. Make it a be subcategory of the regular speedies. Then, if it is a regular author of the cookbook, we will be more liberal in deletion. (Is there some page where regular cookbook authors are listed? Sorry, it's been awhile since I checked out the cookbook.) I dunno, just throwing out an idea. --LV