Thank you for your answer Emmanuel.
I send your answer to my team, to see it s possible to do this in 7 Work day .
----- Original Message ----- From: "Emmanuel Engelhart" To: Cc: "Pascal Martin" Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 8:40 PM Subject: Re: [openZIM dev-l] Zim for Android
On 13/09/2010 15:49, Pascal Martin wrote:
Now, we wants to add Zim files support but we're stuck due to the compression format: Zim files are generated using the LZMA2 format which is not easily available on the Android / Java platform. On the other hand, the OpenZim website lists gzip and bz2 as possible compression format for Zim files. Would it be possible to generate a Zim file with of those compression formats? Or is the documentation on the website out of date?
Documentation is not up to date :(
To simplify the dependences, the last version of the ZIM format only recognizes one container/algorithm and this is xz/lzma2. This has been decided at last dev. meeting. Please correct me Tommi if I'm wrong.
I think if we want to support another couple container/algorithm, this newcomer has to bring really technical advantages. We should not switch or add dependences only because one language/platform requires it... Otherwise we will never find a sustainable solution.
So, my approach would be here to try to support the xz/lzma2 couple in java.
I see here two possibilities:
- Code the library directly in java
- Use libxz native code in java
What about these strategies?
Emmanuel -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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